Following these steps you can perform a stocktake, once submitted a stocktake will update your current stock levels to whatever you declare, if you do not declare a field there will be no change.
- Ensure you have enabled the Inventory Add On
- Go to Sites
- Then tap Stock Count in the horizontal menu
- Tap Create New Stock Count
- Enter some tags to filter the stock list if you want, or leave it empty if you want all products
- You now have a listing of products to count
- For each item you wish to update simply enter the amount you count into the Counted column, otherwise leave it EMPTY.
Be sure to use the filter if you need to quickly find a product!
- Once you have finished declaring all the items you want to update, press Save. Be aware that this will update your stock immediately and cannot be reversed.
Performing an External Stocktake
In some situations it may be more appropriate to export your stock sheet and perform the count in a tool like Microsoft Excel
- Follow Steps 1 - 6 as above
- Once you have the appropriate list tap the cloud/down arrow icon to export the list to csv.
- Once you're ready to reimport simply head into any stocksheet and upload using the cloud/up arrow icon
- Be careful when reimporting the stock sheet that you're accessing the Stocktake page within the correct site, there is no way to undo your stocktake and it will submit immediately after uploading.
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